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Colton's Dilemma (Shadow Breeds) Page 17
Colton's Dilemma (Shadow Breeds) Read online
Page 17
He got up and sauntered over to her, swinging the key around his finger as he did. When he reached the table she was standing at, he leaned down and whispered into her ear, “I can take your body places that you’ve never even dreamed of, all you have to do is take my hand.” Then he rested his hand on her shoulder, palm up. Her beer shook as she brought it to her lips and gulped the remaining few sips of it then she set the empty glass on the table and slid her shaking hand into his. He spun her around, pressed his hand to the small of her back and whispered, “That’s my girl,” as his lips crushed down onto hers. By the time he pulled away, she was a puddle in his arms, having already had her first orgasm. She managed to squeak out one word, “More.”
“As you wish,” he said as he pulled her into his arms and carried her through the bar and down the hall to the office.
This woman was a hellfire in the sack, he thought, as she met him, thrust for thrust. He was behind her on the couch, just releasing his fangs from her neck as her hands snaked back to grab his ass. He licked then kissed her neck to heal the wounds then reached one hand to her breasts to pull her body upright, flush against his as his other hand reached down to circle her engorged nub as another orgasm was quickly closing in on her. He could feel it building in every muscle, every cell, every ounce of blood in her body and he was loving it. His balls thrummed with the need to release again but he waited until she was there first, and she would be, soon. “Oh, God, Stryker,” she moaned as her fingers dug into his butt cheeks.
“That’s it, darlin’. Feel me inside of you. I can feel your orgasm starting. Come for me, baby,” he groaned and she did as he threw his head back and thrust deep inside of her as her spasms milked his cock for what seemed like forever. When she was finally done and she went limp in his arms he tenderly kissed the back of her neck. “I’ve never come that many times during sex before,” she gasped as she tried to catch her breath, “that was amazing.”
Her hand reached up and rubbed her neck, “Was that a hickey you gave me? Is it going to leave a mark?”
He smiled into her neck, “You got me a little worked up and I kissed you hard but I don’t think it was hard enough to leave a mark. Don’t worry, sweetheart, you’re safe. Nobody needs to know what happened to you.”
She looked down at her hands, “Oh.”
He slid his now shrinking cock out of her, pulled her into his lap and pulled her chin so she had to look at him, “What is it, hun?”
“You’ll think it’s stupid,” she mumbled.
“After the amazing time you just gave me, nothing you could say would sound stupid baby. Spill it,” he said.
“I was amazing? Really? Do you mean that?”
“Absolutely. Now, why would you want a hickey?” he said.
“Well, look at me compared to the other women who were out in that bar tonight. I’m nothing special, I’m plain and ordinary looking. They were drop-dead gorgeous. It’d be kind-of nice to have that hickey to be able to tell everyone who asked about it that I got laid by hottest guy I’ve ever seen – and he was the best sex I’ve ever had to boot.”
Stryker smiled at her, “You got a facebook page, sweetheart?”
“Well, yes, why?”
“Cause how about I do you one better than a hickey with a story that folks may or may not believe? Hand me your cell phone.”
“Are you kidding me? I probably look like shit,” she said as she mussed her hair.
Stryker kissed her on the tip of her nose, “You look beautiful with your just-fucked hair, trust me,” he said as he turned her cell phone around and snapped a few pictures of the two of them – some with them looking at the camera, some with him kissing her, all where you couldn’t see body parts but you could tell that they were probably naked. He handed the phone back to her then started to pull on his clothes, “I’ll let you decide which ones you want to post.”
She sat on the couch, naked, and scrolled through them, astounded that he was right – next to him she looked amazing with her just-fucked hair. And her girlfriends were going to be so jealous because, holy shit, he was so freaking hot it was like she got picked up by hottest celebrity of the moment. A knock on the door brought her back to the present. The bartender’s voice sounded through the door, “It’s closing time, I need to get in there to do my paperwork.”
“We’ll be out in two minutes,” Stryker said as Casey began hastily pulling on her clothes. As she stood to pull on her skirt, Stryker pulled some wipes from the container and quickly cleaned off the couch. When he finished he turned and held his hand out. She blushed as she placed her hand in it. “Blushing after what we just did together? That’s sweet,” he said as he pulled her close and led her to the door. Stryker dropped the key along with another one hundred dollar bill into the waiting bartender’s hand as they walked out of the room, “Room is clean and undamaged. Thanks for the use, man,” he said as he walked out. The bartender huffed a laugh as he walked into the office, “Joe’s bar and bordello. Why the fuck not?” he mumbled.
Stryker walked her outside and let her lead him to her car, trying not to let her notice when he tensed as he caught the scent of wolf in the air. She pushed the button to unlock her car. “Well, this is me. Uh, thanks, I guess,” she whispered.
Stryker pulled out his phone, “What’s your name and number, sweetheart.”
Her smile lit up her face, “Really? Are you, are you sure? I mean, I’m okay if this is just a onetime thing. I mean, I’m realistic, I know that I couldn’t have been your first choice with all of those incredibly hot women.”
Stryker gave her a chastising look, “You need to stop putting yourself down. You are a beautiful woman and you are dynamite in the sack. None of those hot women in the bar tonight would’ve satisfied me the way that you did, trust me on that. You’re very special, and my business brings me to New Orleans quite often. If you’re free when I’m here, I’d like to see you again. So how ‘bout a name, or should I just keep calling you sweetheart?” he said with a grin and a wink that felt like it would melt her panties off again. Oh, wow.
“It’s Casey. 205-7725,” she said as her heart pounded in her chest.
Stryker typed it into his phone then turned it around to show her that he had entered it as “Casey Hellfire 205-7725” causing her to beam again, “Well, Casey 205-7725, I have a business meeting tomorrow night but might be free for a few nights after that. I will do my best to give you a call before I leave town, okay?”
Casey nodded. Then Stryker took her breath away as he leaned in and kissed her long and hard, his tongue sweeping in and finding hers. She groaned into his mouth and grabbed his shirt. He pulled away and grinned as he said, “Hold that thought, Casey.” Then he pulled open her door, waited until she was inside, her doors locked and out of the parking lot before he spun around and said, “Okay doggies, I smell you. Is it hide and seek or are you going to show yourselves?”
Chapter 9
Colton could feel in his blood that the sun had just set, it’s one of the advantages that the vampires had over the werewolves. The vampire could head out now, right at sunset and attack. The werewolves would probably still be sleeping. And tonight wasn’t a full moon, so only older werewolves would be able to make the shift to wolves, the younger ones would just be vulnerable humans – easy targets. Just as he sat up, Hansen’s knock sounded on the door.
“Come in, Hansen,” he said.
“We have a problem, Sir.”
Colton walked, naked, to his closet and began dressing in his black combat fatigues as he said, “Explain.”
“It’s Stryker, Sir. He’s not here. Never came home after his, ummmm, outing last night.”
“Have you called or texted him?”
“Yes, sir. He didn’t answer. Used a locator, phone showed he was outside a bar on Bourbon Street in the French Quarter. I went there myself this morning. Found his car in the parking lot and his phone in the bushes. The phone was cracked but there was one word on the screen and I thi
nk it was a message for us.”
“What did it say?”
“Fuck. Was there any other sign of a struggle?”
“There was blood on the pavement, Sir, and drag marks.”
“A lot of blood?”
“No, but a lot of foot prints and paw prints. There were a lot of them, Sir. He was definitely out numbered.”
“So they’ve got a hostage, but do they know he’s with us?”
“They’d never get that information from him, so I doubt it.”
“Okay then we have to assume that they grabbed him for another reason. So now our rescue mission is for two, not just one. Find someone else to drive the second vehicle, let’s meet quickly downstairs to reconfigure our plans and then move out in thirty minutes, got it?”
“Yes, sir,” Hansen said as he turned and headed downstairs.
“You okay?” Tess said as she joined Colton in the walk in closet to don her own black fatigues.
“About Stryker? Yeah. It troubles me, sure, I mean, I hate to lose my best fighter. And it’s weird because he’s usually so careful. I mean he wouldn’t be stupid enough to jeopardize all of us just to pick a fight, so something must’ve happened to cause him to confront them, and for them to be so bold and aggressive definitely worries me. But we can’t put things off now. We need to stick to the plan and move tonight. So, we’ll reconfigure the lead teams and head out.”
After a quick strategy session, they piled into the two dark SUVs, Hansen driving the first one, Craig now driving the second, in place of the missing Stryker. The sun was just dipping below the horizon when they pulled off the road and parked their vehicles, hiding them in the trees about half a mile from the house. They would continue on foot from there. Colton looked up at the small sliver of moon hanging in the sky and smiled, no full moon, full-strength werewolves would be waiting for them tonight. They moved forward as a group for about a hundred yards before Tess’ hand on Colton’s bicep brought them to a stop. “What is it, love?” he said.
“She’s got protection spells all over the place. Give me a few minutes to counteract them.”
Tess moved forward, concentrating, chanting and moving her hands as she quickly weaved her counter spells. “Follow directly behind me,” she mumbled then she went back to her incantations. Colton and the others fell into single file behind her as they slowly moved forward. As they neared the edge of the tree line and Colton caught his first glimpse of the ramshackle, abandoned pre-1800’s New Orleans mansion that the wolf pack was currently calling home, he couldn’t help but grimace as he thought about how differently these two species lived: vampires preferred money and the finer things in life while werewolves lived, well, they lived like dogs. Rapidly moving, thick fog caught Colton’s attention as it moved towards them. “Are you doing that?” he said to Tess.
She nodded her head but didn’t open her eyes or break he concentration, “Figured it would help with camouflage.”
After a few more minutes she turned around and faced the men. Colton’s brows knit together because she looked pale and weak. He could see that this had been a huge strain on her. “Okay, the perimeter of the house is clear, team B can take their positions. I’ve put sleeping spells on all heartbeats that I can find in the house, except for one that beat much slower than all the others which I think is Stryker’s so I left that one alone. Team A should be cleared to enter the house from spells but beware of booby traps, I can’t detect those, you’re on your own with those.”
Suddenly she wavered and Colton reached out to catch her before she passed out, “You need to feed,” he growled.
“I’m fine. I don’t want to weaken you,” she whispered.
Colton sank his fangs in his wrist then pressed it to her lips, “Drink, there is no debate,” he said.
She wanted to protest but when she looked into his eyes she knew that this was one fight that she would definitely lose so she dropped her fangs, latched on and began sucking down his sweet nectar as he cradled the back of her head with his other hand. As she drank, he quietly gave orders to his men to get into position. When Tess felt she had taken just enough to not feel dizzy anymore she pulled away and wiped her lips with her finger. “You sure that’s enough?” Colton said.
“It is for now. Let’s get inside,” she said.
They moved forward and stepped onto the porch. Tyson reached into his coat pocket and produced a small canister. Tess looked at Colton with questioning eyes. He leaned down and whispered, “Oil, for squeaky hinges.”
Kryton and Craig peaked through cracks in the boarded up windows as Tyson worked on the door. “Living room appears empty,” Kryton whispered.
“Good. Proceed,” Colton said.
Tess didn’t realize that Tyson had the door ready and his hand on the doorknob but he was waiting for Colton’s command. She silently marveled that even though they hadn’t worked together in decades they were still so in sync that it seemed to her that they did this every day. Tyson nodded, turned the knob and the door swung open silently. Tyson stepped in first, followed closely by Craig, Kryton, Hansen, Colton, Tess and Drake. Tyson spotted a male sleeping on a blanket in the corner on the floor. He stalked over, fully intending to strike, but when he rolled over the sleeping body, “Fuck!” he whispered as he looked over at Colton, “he’s just a kid and he’s only just recently turned. Do I have to kill him?”
Colton placed a hand on Tyson’s shoulder, “No, leave him. Tess, can you make sure he stays unconscious?”
Tess stepped up to the teen, “I’ll take care of it, you guys go on ahead. I’ll catch up.”
Colton and the others moved towards the hall. Kryton met them, having checked the kitchen first. Craig and Kryton moved upstairs, Hansen and Drake started checking the rooms in the hall on the ground floor, while Tyson and Colton found the door to the basement and started making their way down the stairs. Most rooms on the ground floor were bathrooms or closets, only two were bedrooms, and Hansen and Drake made quick work silencing the four sleeping were-humans on those rooms so they split up, with Drake joining Kryton and Craig upstairs and Hansen moving to join up with Colton and Tyson, where Tess, who had finished with her spell on the young were-child, was now heading as well. Kryton, Craig and Drake knew that they had now reached the point in their mission where stealth was not really a priority, so Kryton stalked to the first closed bedroom door that he saw and kicked it open with his boot, only to find three naked people, two men and one woman, in the middle of a hot and heavy ménage-a-trois. One of the men, the one whose cock was buried in the woman’s ass, didn’t bother looking to see who had come into the room because his head was thrown back as he howled through his orgasm. It quickly became apparent to the three vampires that interruptions during sex were a common occurrence because nobody looked or cared that there were others in the room. The woman grabbed her breasts and cried out, “Yes, yes, I’m coming.”
Then the man on the bottom grunted and said “Pull out, Dave, let me come in her ass,” then he shoved his huge cock into her ass, thrust twice then growled as he too came. It was at that moment that Kryton stepped up to the bed behind the naked man, “Well, Dave, at least you got a good ass fuck before you died,” he said just before he plunged his knife through Dave’s back and through his heart. Before the woman and other man could react, Craig and Drake stabbed them both through the chest and slit their throats. The vamps left them dead in that sexual position as they walked out of the room. “You are one sick bastard, Kryton,” Craig said, shaking his head as they walked out. They made quick work of the six young pups in the next room, but as Kryton kicked open the door to the largest room at the end of the hall they faced a wall of snarling¸ older male were-humans; at least twenty that Drake could quickly count. “Finally, a challenge,” Kryton growled as he rolled his shoulders. As the were’s rushed forward and all hell broke loose, Colton and the others in the basement could hear the pandemonium and knew they were needed but they were dealing
with issues of their own at the moment.
There were cages, most of them empty, a few with sleeping newly transformed humans but other than that the basement appeared empty – too empty. “Something’s not right down here. This basement’s too small,” Colton said as he began to look for a hidden door in the walls. “I agree sir, and I smell a lot of dog over here,” Hansen said by the far wall near a book shelf. Colton joined him and it only took a few seconds to find the trigger release that allowed them to swing the bookcase away from the wall and reveal the tunnel. The moment they did they could hear the voices, “Let me go you fucking fang prick,” a female voice shrieked.
“But, darling, I thought you liked me?” Stryker’s voice said with a chuckle.
Colton turned to Hansen and Tyson, “Go help Kryton upstairs, Tess and I will take care of this.”
As Colton and Tess neared a widening of the tunnel into a cavern they saw a flash of light.
“Ow, son of a bitch! Did you just shoot me in the ass with a bolt of lightning?”
“Yes, and I’ll do it again if you don’t put me down you blood drinking bastard. How did you escape anyways?”
“Escape? You mean I was your prisoner and not your guest? I’m crushed.”
Just then Colton and Tess stepped into view. Stryker spun around to face them, a grin on his face, Tess’ sister slung over his shoulder, “Your Highness, this is your sister I presume?” he said as he turned back around so that Tess could see her sister’s face.
“Tess? Why the fuck are you still with that fucking vamp?”
Stryker set her roughly on the floor pinning her arms at her chest as he said, “Mind your tongue around my King and Queen, wolf-girl.”
“Qu-Queen? You’ve got to be fucking kidding me. You’re a vampire now and you’re a vampire Queen? What a royal fucking disappointment you are, sister dear. And what a relief it will be to finally get rid of you once and for all.”